10 Simple Ways For E-Waste Management

e-waste management company

Technology has advanced so rapidly in recent decades that it’s difficult to imagine a world without smartphones, GPS maps, laptops, and other digital equipment. Consequently, the rapidly increasing volume of used electronics being wasted has raised severe concerns among environmental campaigners, local and state governments, and even the United Nations about how to reduce and manage e-waste. The amount of “waste” or e-waste is now an important issue. Currently, only 30% of India’s 75% recyclable waste is recycled, so there is plenty of room for growth in India’s waste management business. Lack of effective collection, storage and recycling regulations and inefficient infrastructure are just a few of the many factors that contribute to the inefficiency of national waste management.

Recent Trends Observed In E-Waste Management

The Environmental Protection Agency’s National Strategy for Electrical Device Management serves as the basis for new policies and plans for the manufacture and recycling of electrical devices. Proposed or implemented changes include zero waste, a linear economy, a focus on targeted cybersecurity vulnerabilities to enhance system destabilization methods, and proper waste recycling certification of established service companies. Includes an overall focus on worker rights and environmental oversight. The Department of Environment, Forestry and Climate Change (MoEFCC) published and subsequently updated its waste regulations in 2016, but still has non-effective waste management, including a lack of investment, infrastructure, and consumer knowledge. Several entrepreneurs and businesses have arrived in India to support the informal sector in the collection, treatment, and recycling of e-waste. Start-ups are beginning to engage in a variety of activities such as e-waste disposal, credit monitoring, logistics and distribution, privacy and disposal, CSR initiatives, and remediation. All of these truly believe in the three Rs of sustainability. They start by classifying the debris into glassware, plastic, and metal. It then processes all harmful compounds and sends the rest to the extraction. The remaining plastic and metal will be passed to the recycler.

Public health, Environment, and E-Waste

E-waste disposal is becoming a global public health and environmental concern, as electronic waste has become the world’s fastest-growing portion of the conventional municipal solid waste stream. E-waste is any electronic or electrical device that has been thrown, surplus, obsolete, or broken. The majority of discarded electronic gadgets are kept in households because people do not understand how to dispose of them properly. This ever-increasing trash is extremely complicated, and it’s also a rich source of commodities such as gold, silver, and copper that may be recovered and reintroduced into the manufacturing process.

Disposal and Management of E-Waste

It is not just about reducing environmental dangers when it comes to e-waste reduction. Minimizing e-waste conserves resources and minimizes the amount of energy required to manufacture these products; recycling pieces inside e-waste consumes far less energy than manufacturing new ones.

Below we have listed 10 easy ways for E-Waste Management, Reduction, and Control:

1. Purchase Necessary Items Only

A common source of e-waste is the purchase of items we do not require. Avoid buying new electronic devices that the manufacturer cannot reuse or discard properly. Choosing recyclable or long-lasting electronic products is a major sustainable step toward e-waste management.

2.  Organize Your Belongings

Well, do we all know what type of things we have until we try to organize all our gadgets, wires, connectors, and DVDs? The very last thing you should do is buy something you believe you need, by confirming that the product or material is not already in your possession.

3. Donate Or Give Away Your Electronic Devices

If you realize that you do not need something, donate it so that it can be appreciated by someone else. Donations are also an excellent way of tax deductions since the amount is generally close to the worth of the asset sold.

4. Return Old Electronic Devices To The Store

A buy-back program establishes a contract between the consumer and the seller which knowingly suggests that the seller has solely agreed to buy back the product sold, in the given time frame. Unfortunately, this is offered only by a few stores. Before you go out and buy a new gadget, check first whether the store will buy your old camera, computer, or other items.

5. Sell Unused Products

We should sell our electronics products as soon as you no longer require them; newer models quickly depreciate. There are a ton of companies that will gladly buy your old fitness bands, wearables, video game consoles, computers, video cameras, and other electronic equipment. Interestingly they offer to provide ‘money in exchange for product’ services.

6. Find More About The E-Waste Recycling Companies In Your Region.

Check out your local recycling options, no matter where you live, and share them with your family and neighborhood. For example, If you live in India, you will easily get information on websites containing local electronics recycling opportunities.

7. Consider The Future Of E-Waste

There is no quick and easy way of getting rid of e-waste- everyone by effort has to get rid of it sooner or later so why not profit from it now? Avoid letting them accumulate. Electronic products/gadgets get older every day owing to rapid technological advances, and it is best advised to sell off any unused electronic gadgets to avoid clutter and loss in the coming time.

8. You Can Now Store Data In The Cloud Online

For professional or personal storage, there’s no need at all to invest in a big server or heavy-duty device. Without any need to engage in a server, cloud data platforms are best for archiving and synchronizing your crucial information across different devices.

9. Dispose Of Personal Computers And Mobile Phones At Recycling Plants

Another important argument is to not throw away your electronic gadgets because all of your personally identifiable information is stored on them even when you erase it. Recycling centers can easily scrub your gadget clean before recycling it, ensuring that cyber thieves do not have access to the information.

10. Educate Children About E-Waste

Youngsters are our legacy and future of the world, and so it will be more beneficial if we can teach them a commitment to e-waste recycling from an early age.


As a result, we know that consumers will continue to acquire new devices. It’s critical to constantly repeat the idea that older models should be recycled rather than discarded. Dumping our devices into a landfill, we are endangering the environment. Recycling, on either hand, has a lot of advantages for the environment. The alternative is to hand over such devices to a reputable E-waste Recycling Company with years of expertise in recycling electronic equipment in an environmentally acceptable manner.

If you are looking for Electronic Waste Collection In the Pune region. E-Waste Kuldeep is one of the leading e-waste buying and recycling companies. They deal with all types of electronic scraps and devices aiming to produce zero waste management. Contact for more information.


What is the e-waste management?

E-Waste Management (eWM) is the practice of recycling electronic devices and their components, including computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, scanners, phones, televisions, stereos, etc., to prevent them from becoming hazardous waste. E-waste includes any type of electrical equipment that contains toxic substances or materials that may cause harm if not properly disposed of.

Why e-waste management is important?

E-Waste is toxic, contains dangerous substances, causes pollution, harms wildlife, damages human health, threatens the future of humanity, etc.