Know Importance of Ewaste recycling in PUNE

During times of economic uncertainty and staggering consumer confidence levels, companies seek alternative measures to increase business sustainability. Businesses incur additional costs to cover operational expenses; however, companies unintentionally waste their revenue on excess supplies and inefficient policies. Sustainable businesses generate additional revenue through targeting environmentally conscious customers, and reducing consumption, reusing materials, and disposing of waste responsibly.

Business sustainability counteracts the materialistic nature of modern societies that creates an addiction to garbage and waste. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the United States department dedicated to municipal waste (MSW) management, businesses generate 45 percent of the total waste in the country. According to data taken from the “State of Garbage in America” survey in 2006, the country generates 413,014,732 tons of garbage per year; however, only 35.5 percent (146,601,768 tons) of the waste is recycled or reused. The remaining 64.5 percent (146, 601,768 tons) can be found in one of 1,800 landfills nationwide, which defeats business sustainability efforts.

EWaste in Relation to Business Sustainability

In order to build business sustainability one must plan and allocate resources according to current needs. The type of waste businesses produce depends upon the industry; however, common categories include paper products, electronics and machinery, hazardous waste, non-renewable energy, as well as expired products. According to the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, office workers use 10,000 sheets of paper per year; however, only 66 percent of office paper is recycled and reused. It is pertinent to utilize recycled products within the business to increase resource efficiency.

EwasteKuldeep one of the top MPCB authorised recycling company in Pune at Katraj provides best services of ewaste recycling on  . For further details call 9850289885.