Know What can you do for E waste Management in Pune?

You can control where you make your purchases as 2006 Greenpeace study showed that Nokia and Dell rated most highly for eliminating toxic waste in their products and having sound e-waste management policies. Surprisingly Apple, often lauded for being innovative and cutting edge, rated near the bottom along with Lenovo (IBMs notebook partner) and Motorola. Australian company 1800 EWaste claims to be the nations biggest computer recycler and come to your place of business or home to pickup old devices. As mentioned with these types of services earlier, you should bear in mind the recycling policies of the company and where and how things are done. Alternatively donating old devices to schools, community centers and groups, charities (both national and international) and even within your family or social groups can put perfectly good devices to continued use.

Finally using resources like Greener Computing, organisations, government bodies and individuals can develop longer term e-waste management solutions so the entire purchase, usage and disposal cycle is following an overall environmental plan to ensure that other important issues like energy efficiency and pollution levels are also accounted for in your decisions.

If nothing else, the most pertinent point to digest from all of this is that, Kyoto means little without individual and collective action. This action as stated does not need to be that much or even that revolutionary and begins with just awareness of the issue. Ask yourself if that $1.50 per hour that the villagers in Asia are being reportedly paid to sort through your Waste is something you want to live with now and for your children’s future?

EwasteKuldeep provide real Economic Choices in this crazy political and financial climate allowing you to make the best decisions for you and your family for the environmental future of us all.

EwasteKuldeep one of the best company of  E waste Management in Pune at katraj gives quality reliable Ewaste services . 


What is e-waste?

E-waste refers to any electronic product that contains toxic materials like lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, beryllium, chromium, nickel, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), etc. These products have been banned in many countries around the world

How is e-waste recycled?

E-waste recycling involves separating valuable metals from non-valuable parts. Recycling these components helps reduce pollution and conserve natural resources.